Venice 2024 Conference


“Testimonies of Ancient Astrology”

Venice, 8 June 2024



In this new year 2024 we have, to a large extent, freed ourselves from aspects more conditioning than the limitations due to Covid. 
And I also believe more inclined to moments of meeting between people with different experiences and studies. 
With these premises, I propose the new edition of an astrological event that wants to provide elements of reflection on 
the different aspects and richness of the astrological conceptions of the past.


Firstly, I would like to inform you of the names of the speakers who accepted the invitation:


Lucia Bellizia (Apotelésma Association)

Patrizia Nava (AOC – Astrologia Oraria Classica)

José Luis Carrión Bolumar (Founding member Collective of Researchers and Astrologers Ancient Crown of Aragon; Founder Member and Coordinator Astrological Federation of Southern Europe)

Mariano Aladren Serrano (Astrología Clásica Culta, Zaragoza)

Franco Martorello (International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies)

Mario Costantino (Founder Partner Association Cielo e Terra)


In the hope of having a good experience like in past years
                                                        Mario Costantino






“Testimonies of Ancient Astrology”

Venice, 8 June 2024

Firstly, I will announce the titles of the papers to be presented by the various guests:
Lucia Bellizia – “Testimonies of our era”;
Patrizia Nava – FROM INCEPTIONS TO INTERROGATIONS. A note on the importance of the historical approach to the validation of techniques. Missing persons.”;
José Luis Carrión Bolumar – “the twelve points for the construction of a Talisman” ;
Mariano Aladren Serrano – The 10 most valuable considerations in medical astrology counselling”;

Franco Martorello – “An Arabic commentary on Ptolemy’s ‘Quadripartite‘Alī ibn Riwān, an astrological physician from the 10th century AD.”;

Mario Costantino – Female affections and sterility in the Ptolemaic dictate”.

The conference will take place on 8 June 2024, from 9:15 a.m. to 6:10 p.m., in the hall of the Antony Hotel, a 4-star Superior hotel in Campalto, located halfway between Mestre and the centre of Venice, at 182 Via Orlanda.
For reception and information, please refer to the following email address:
To access the conference registration, please refer to the following link:
For any information, please do not hesitate to refer to the following email address:
or call the mobile phone number 338 4974676
Franco Martorello, editor of the Ars Astrorum series, will talk about some new texts being published during the conference.






“Testimonies of Ancient Astrology”

Venice, 8 June 2024



The third edition of the ‘Testimonies of Ancient Astrology’ conference held on Saturday 8 June 2024 has come to an end.
Gathering the thoughts of the speakers and participants, I can confirm that the event was rich in insights for all those interested in the diverse and fascinating topics that are explored in the field of ancient astrology: the historical sphere and concerning some extraordinary personalities who dealt with the principles of astrological doctrine, but also the philosophical and properly technical-astrological aspects.
My thanks to the guest speakers who, despite possible impediments, have done so much to be in Venice again this year. And thanks to Nicolò Catullo who, as is his custom, welcomed us and made us feel among friends and in great harmony.
Not forgetting those who, due to work and other commitments, were unable to come. My wish is that they will have the opportunity to take part in the events to be organised from now on. Lastly, let me say that the pictures already published testify to the serene atmosphere that marked the event.
                                                                                                                                Mario Costantino  




Venice 2023 Conference



“Testimonies of Ancient Astrology”

Venice, 10 June 2023


I am happy to propose the second edition of an event dedicated to classical astrology in its many aspects and in the richness of its different conceptions.

I trust that, to a large extent, the most conditioning aspects of the limitations due to the covid have been overcome and that the conference in presence constitutes a moment of meeting and discussion between people with experience of studies and diversified insights.

And can fully motivate those who want to participate in the event.

In the coming days I will provide more information on the speakers, the works and the program.

In the meantime, I give you the names, in alphabetical order, of the invited speakers:


Mariano Aladren Serrano (Astrología Clásica Culta, Zaragoza)

Lucia Bellizia (Apotelésma Association)

José Luis Carrión Bolumar (Founding member Collective of Researchers and Astrologers

Ancient Crown of Aragon; Founder Member and Coordinator Astrological Federation of Southern Europe)

Mario Costantino (Founder Partner Association Cielo e Terra)

Franco Martorello (International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies)

Patrizia Nava (AOC – Astrologia Oraria Classica)

Loris Solmi (President Cielo e Terra Association)


Hoping to repeat the good experience of the first edition.

                                                                                                                                                                         Mario Costantino



In its final form, I present you the titles of the reports that will be presented:


Mariano Aladren Serrano – love, hermetism and astrology;

Lucia Bellizia – Testimonies from 12th century Byzantium: Theodore Prodrome;

José Luis Carrión Bolumar – The foundation of the city of Baghdad;

Mario Costantino – Constellations, travel, navigation and flight;;

Franco Martorello – The Arabic commentary by al-Battānī (9th cent.) on Ptolemy’s Quadripartite;

Patrizia Nava – Alpha Virginis as an indicator of intellectual achievement;

Loris Solmi – The harpocratics, Reflections on an as yet unsolved enigma of the Ptolemaic text.


The following link provides access to the conference registration form:

For any information, please refer to the following email address: 



The event will take place in the hall of the Antony Hotel, a 4-star Superior hotel in Campalto, which is located halfway between Mestre and the centre of Venice. Participation will be limited by the maximum capacity of the hall, which is 80 people, and by observing the rules that will be in force for indoor venues on the date of the conference. The hotel is housed in a modern building with panoramic views of the Lagoon and was renovated in 2018. Within the property there is also a park, a panoramic terrace, a restaurant, the meeting room that will host the conference, and ample free parking. Those who choose to stay here first appreciate the location: the proximity to the ‘Marco Polo’ international airport, which is only 3 km away, and to the historic centre of Venice, which can be reached in 10 minutes using public transport or the shuttle service provided by the hotel.




Next Day Considerations

The second edition of the Testimonies of Ancient Astrology Conference was held in which some changes were necessary due to situations that, these days, affected three of the speakers. Loris Solmi suffered a bereavement in the family, while, the two Spanish guests, for different reasons, could not attend. Also, there was some technical problem at the beginning of José Luis Carrión’s online presentation.

Having said that, however, the considerations gathered among the participants were extremely positive both about the speakers and the varied and interesting contents of the different papers. And, even on this day, the human experience was rich in emotions and positive feelings.



The papers presented were diverse. The undersigned introduced the topic of constellations and navigation and flight, the space one by Neil Armstrong and others who distinguished themselves in sky-related activities. Patrizia Nava presented interesting tidbits about one of the most well-known and mentioned stars in the lore, Spica. Lucia Bellizia introduced us to the astrological ferment and history of 12th-century Byzantine society. This was followed by a compendium by me on the hypothesis proposed by Loris Solmi, which departs from what is reported by Ptolemy’s commentators, on the meaning to be attributed to the term Harpocrates (Chapter Nine, Book III of the Quadripartite). In the afternoon we heard Franco Martorello’s interesting research, unpublished to the best of our knowledge, on scientist al-Battani’s commentary on the Ptolemaic Quadripartite. This was followed by the talk by José Luis Carrión who, before describing the astrological tradition for choosing the auspicious time for the founding of Baghdad, formulated an extremely interesting description of the different timelines in assessing events, space and time. Then, Mariano Aladren, according to philosophical-hermetic studies, clarified the method and what are the most significant elements of lasting and happy unions.

Finally, stretching the time budgeted by the program, there was a brief space in which Lucia Bellizia anticipated news about the contents of her new text to be released in the coming days, “Anthology of Texts on Fixed Stars.” Patrizia Nava presented her latest work on William Lilly’s work, “Christian Astrology Book Three – An Easy Method for Judging Nativities.” Franco Martorello, editor of the Ars Astrorum series, gave some previews of ongoing publishing projects involving astrological works that may be completed in the coming months.



As concluding remarks, I am glad to have been able to propose the conference again this year. And, as I have already written for the previous edition, I hope other situations may follow in which cultural content and the human dimension, which is always important, may allow sharing and knowledge for the enthusiasts of astrology and its many contents.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mario Costantino